August 9, 2024
Survivor Voices

Survivor Voices: Kate M, a primary bone lymphoma survivor (PBL)

We are honored to get to share today’s “Survivor Voices” feature with rare primary bone lymphoma (PBL) survivor, Kate! 

As part of our Survivor Voices features, we are honored to have the chance to share a part of Kate’s story. 

Q: Can you tell us a little bit about your diagnosis and what initially prompted you to see a doctor? 

“I am a pretty active person and my left knee was really bothering me for several months. It got so bad I could not even bend my knee the slightest bit. My husband finally convinced me to get it checked out. I thought I had maybe torn my meniscus or strained a muscle. I got an MRI and almost immediately I got a notification on my phone with test results. I opened the results alone in my car in the parking lot and read the words “suspicious for leukemia or lymphoma”. I thought there was no way these were my test results. The doctor called me about an hour later and confirmed the news. He said that the next two weeks would be full of testing. Well two weeks turned into two months of countless tests, scans and one bone marrow biopsy later, we still did not know what I had. It turns out, I have an extremely rare type of lymphoma called primary lymphoma of the bone.”

“PBL originates from the bone marrow rather than a lymph node. The waiting period to confirm my diagnosis was the hardest part for me. I am extremely action oriented and the waiting was extremely anxiety inducing. Once my diagnosis was confirmed, I was ready to rock and roll and get started on whatever treatment plan was getting thrown at me.” 

Q: Thank you so much for sharing all of this, Kate. Can you tell us a little bit about what cancer survivorship means to you, now that you are done with active treatment?

“Survivorship to me, means adapting to a new normal, where physical and emotional scars remain, but where resilience and hope also thrive. It’s about learning to embrace life with a new perspective, cherishing every moment, and finding joy in the small victories. It also means facing ongoing fears and uncertainties, but doing so with a sense of empowerment and determination.”

Q: What’s a common misconception about cancer that you feel exists? What are challenges that you face in your day-to-day life after treatment that you wish were more openly talked about?

“Many people believe that cancer is “over” once you ring the bell at the end of treatment. While that moment is indeed significant and triumphant, the journey of being a cancer survivor involves ongoing challenges that persist long after the bell rings. The physical and emotional hurdles continue well beyond treatment. Personally, I grapple with anxiety in the survivorship. Each time I experience discomfort or fatigue, my mind automatically fears the possibility of a recurrence, so I have been focusing on therapy, journaling, and yoga to help ease my mind.”

“Surviving cancer has profoundly transformed my outlook on life. Survivorship has taught me to treasure each moment and focus on what truly matters. I’ve come to value the small victories and find joy in every day. Cancer has also shown me the importance of embracing vulnerability. In a world where everyone often showcases their "highlight reel," I've discovered that being open about my own struggles helps me connect deeply with others facing their own challenges. We all have our battles, and it's through genuine human connection and support that we navigate them together.”

Thank you, Kate, for sharing your story with our OncoveryCare community! We are so grateful you’re here and that you shared your journey with us.

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